Vivitar Packaging
Packaging concepts I created for two of Vivitar’s new cameras, the InstantPrint and PhotoPro.
The client wanted a “fun and retro” vibe for the InstantPrint, so I drew upon retro-inspired color palettes, visual motifs, and typefaces, while still balancing them with the established brand identity.
The PhotoPro’s goal is to feel sleek and modern, so I relied upon gradients, color blocking, and a clean look erring towards minimalism.
In both instances, I designed with the 3-D nature of the final product in mind and sought ways for the design to complement that.
The client wanted a “fun and retro” vibe for the InstantPrint, so I drew upon retro-inspired color palettes, visual motifs, and typefaces, while still balancing them with the established brand identity.
The PhotoPro’s goal is to feel sleek and modern, so I relied upon gradients, color blocking, and a clean look erring towards minimalism.
In both instances, I designed with the 3-D nature of the final product in mind and sought ways for the design to complement that.